A large-scale hacking poses the biggest threat for all nations. Many public or private companies are concerned about the significant risk of having important information and corporate Asset (property) stolen by such Supply chain attack.
Over the past years, there have been numerous data breaches and cyber-attacks and it is expected to continue with cyber threat landscape that is evolving at a fast pace.
“Thailand – Japan Cybersecurity Webinar 2022” to cooperate and collaborate together against Cyber threats.
Many seminars will be held between Thailand and Japan to talk about the latest cyber security challenges and introducing solutions and strategies that are both practical and cost-effective in protecting businesses from the cyber threats and data breaches.
The seminar set its theme as “Protect your business ”, where experts will provide the significant information to protect your assets of your company.
Expert of each solution will standby at each room, explain how to solve the problem for IoT, DX, Cybersecurity. And have discussion with participants.
Room #1 AMIYA Corporation
Room #2 Runexy (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Room #3 Toshiba Asia Pacific (Thailand) Co.,Ltd
Room #4 EAGLYS Inc.
Room #5 NTT TechnoCross Corp.